> 1. How do I remove the system_start_delimiter (large opening brace) at the 
> start
>    of the score? I've tried a number of things to remove the brace but none
>    were successful.

You can remove the opening brace by setting the following for the
PianoStaff context (add to your \layout block):

        \context {
                systemStartDelimiter = #'SystemStartBar
        } % context

> 2. How do I globally set markup text to be in "times" font? I.e., I want to do
>    something like this:
>    \override TextSpanner #'font-name = #"times"
>    but for markup text *THROUGHOUT* the entire score.

Add the following to your \paper block:

        myStaffSize = #20
        #(define fonts
                (make-pango-font-tree "Times" "Times" "Luxi Mono"
                (/ myStaffSize 20)))

The three font names stand for serif, sans serif, and mono font (I'm not
completely sure about the order though...), just add the desired fonts

Only drawback: This changes *all* text in your score to the new font.



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