On Feb 23, 2011, at 4:17 PM, Nick Payne wrote:

> On 24/02/11 08:04, m...@apollinemike.com wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> In the first attached example, you'll see that the C# and D are oddly merged 
>> in the last note column. However, when I compile the code for a minimal 
>> example (\relative c' { << { d8 ~ d4 } \\ { d8 cis4 } >> }), it works just 
>> fine.  Also, when I compile the part outside of the full string quartet, it 
>> works fine as well (also see attached).  Does anyone have any intuition as 
>> to what could cause this sort of discrepancy between different settings of 
>> the same material?
> Do you have \override NoteColumn #'ignore-collision = ##t turned on somewhere 
> in the full score?
> Nick

You are wise beyond your years (whatever they may be), Nick Payne...

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