I'm wanting to write some globally accessible scheme functions / procedures 
(defines) for my lilypond project but the documentation on such seems a bit 
limited. I.e. Do \header, \page and other contexts introduce new variable 
scopes (assuming yes here)? If so, how can scheme functions and variables be 
defined globally for access in all such scopes within a lilypond project?

Can anyone point me in the right direction here. Thank you in advance.
S Mack

Attached is a example of a scheme module I want to include globally in a 
lilypond project and whose public defines I want to access in my lilypond 
project in \header, \score, \book and other contexts within the project. The 
idea is that I can collect all credit and song title information into a single 
include file for easier collation and management by maintainers and to reduce 
duplication of credits across all the music sheets in the project / book.

Would be used via...

#(load "init/credits.scm")
#(use-modules (init credits))

Attachment: credits.scm
Description: Binary data


NB: Currently have 50+ music sheets completed, most versing text has been 
added, and the results are quite impressive. The project will eventually 
encompass collating some 300+ music sheets into one book. Lilypond does an 
excellent job of rendering each music sheet. Most friends find it hard to 
believe such a program is available, and for "FREE"!

Thank you to all of you who have contributed so much to enabling such a top 
class product to be produced and made freely available.

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