Jay Anderson <horndud...@gmail.com> writes:

> \new Staff
> {
>   \new Voice \relative c'
>   {
>     <<
>       \repeat percent 4 { c8.-> c16-> c8. c16 c8. c16 c8. c16 }
>       {s1\< s s s s1*0\!}
>     >>
>   }
> }

That works, thank you.

So, let me see if I understand: you've added an extra voice for a
section of four measures (the two parts within the enclosing ‘<< … >>’).
The additional voice has four skips of a full measure each, and an fifth
skip of zero length to hold the crescendo terminator.

That's an elegant solution. I can see that it will be applicable in many
situations. Thanks again!

 \     “I wish there was a knob on the TV to turn up the intelligence. |
  `\          There's a knob called ‘brightness’ but it doesn't work.” |
_o__)                                             —Eugene P. Gallagher |
Ben Finney

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