On Sun, 2011-02-06 at 10:14 -0500, Mike Solomon wrote:
> Hey all,
> In the attached png, you'll see that the feathered beam resets to 0 feather @ 
> the line break.  Actually, it even regresses a bit: you'll see that it's 
> actually fatter at the linebreak than it is a couple beats after, after which 
> it starts to spread out again.
> I would argue that the latter is unambiguously a bug.  However, the former 
> (that feathers don't maintain their degree of feather-itude at line breaks) 
> seems to go against the idea of feathered beams.
> Before I spend my Superbowl Sunday fixing this thing, does anyone have a 
> quick workaround?
> Cheers,
> MS
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Mike, I've added this as issue number 1503, but would you send me a .ly
file which produced your .png, please?  I'll add it to the tracker, for
verification down the road.

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