So this seems like a bug after all. How do I get this into the queue? I'd be 
more than happy to help out with testing.


On 1/28/11, at 9:10 AM, James Samir Ismail wrote:

>> I tried this:
>> \relative c' {
>>   c4^\markup { \override #'(font-name . "KacstOffice")
>>                "العربية" }
>>     d e f |
>>   g^\markup { "english" }
>>     f e d |
>> }
>> and get the attached image as output, which seems to be correct
>> (please correct me if I'm wrong).  This is on a GNU/Linux box.
> The attached image is correct!
>> Is it possible that the arabic shaper of Pango is missing in the
>> Windows LilyPond bundle?  I'm talking about the `pango-arabic-fc' and
>> `pango-arabic-lang' modules.
> For reference, I am running under MacOS.
> -Samir

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