On 15 January 2011 07:03, Helge Kruse <helge.kruse-nos...@gmx.net> wrote:
> I have tried to set this excerpt from a score but failed with  some
> problems:
> 1) As you can see there is a staff change again and again. It's annoying to
> switch as shown below. Can this be done better?

You could use a variable to make the staff change command shorter but
staff changes _are_ annoying!  ;D

csu = {
  \change Staff = "2U"
cso = {
  \change Staff = "2O"

> 2) The staff change does not work in the first measure (when you remove the
> "s2").

I'd recommend to start your "voice" within the staff where it starts.
And yes, you must "keep the other staff alive" as explained in the doc.
NR 2.2.1 Common notation for keyboards > Changing staff manually
NR 5.1.3 Keeping contexts alive

> 3) I tried a lot with the beaming. But I never managed to get a common beam
> for
> all four chords. I read NR 1.2.3 but did not catch what the arguments to
> overrideBeamSettings do. It would be nice if you can give me a working
> example.
> But I am much more interested to_understand_  this thing.
> Are there changes to the syntax in the current version of Lilypond?

Forget about  \overrideBeamSettings , it has been change in most recent
version.  Please upgrade and refer to latest version of the doc
(2.13.46):  \overrideTimeSignatureSettings
I'd use a  beamException  here (see code below).
For better explanation, see the doc (2.13.46).
NR 1.2.3 Displaying rhythms > Time signature
NR 1.2.4 Beams > Setting automatic beam behavior

\version "2.13.46"

global = {
  \key c \minor
  \overrideTimeSignatureSettings  % see NR 1.2.3
        #'(2 . 4)  % timeSignatureFraction
        #'(1 . 4)  % baseMomentFraction
        #'(1 1)    % beatStructure
        #'((end . (((1 . 8) . (4))
                   ((1 . 12) . (3 3)))))  % beamExceptions, see NR 1.2.4
  \time 2/4

csu = {
  \change Staff = "2U"
cso = {
  \change Staff = "2O"

ZweiOben = \relative c' {
  s2  % XS: just to keep this staff alive, see NR 2.2.1, 5.1.3

ZweiUnten = \relative c' {
  <c es f>8
  \cso <g bes c>
  \csu <c es f>
  \cso <g bes c>

\score {
    \new PianoStaff<<
       \new Staff = "2O"<<  \global \ZweiOben>>
       \new Staff = "2U"<<  \global \ZweiUnten>>


Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com>

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