I believe this comes quite close to what you want but it's a trick. Something is strange...

rightHand = {
  <d'' a'' es'''>1~
  <d'' a'' es'''>4

leftHandVoiceOne = {
  <fis cis' g'>1~
  <fis cis' g'>4

leftHandVoiceTwo = {
  r2. <b,,, bes,,>4~
  <b,,, bes,,>4

\score {
      \new PianoStaff <<
        \new Staff = "rh" { \rightHand }
        \new Staff = "lh" <<
          \clef "bass"
          \new Voice \relative c, { \leftHandVoiceOne }
          \new Voice {  \ottava #-1 \leftHandVoiceTwo }


Am 10.01.2011 um 13:48 schrieb l...@internet.com.uy:

hello list,

in the piano part of an ensemble piece i need (want, that is) to put an ottava bassa indication that applies only to the lower chord in the left hand. the problem is that at the same time a loco chord is tied above it (see the attached image). i tried different combinations, like the code below:

{ s2 r4 r16 \ottava #-1 <b,, bes'>8.~ <b bes'>4. \ottava #0 }
{ <fis'' cis' g'>2~ <fis cis' g'>2~ < fis cis' g'>4 }

but i don't know how to achieve this. i don't know if i'm doing something wrong or missing something in the documentation or if this isn't possible. any pointers would be greatly appreciated.


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