I have an attached file that works very well, except (since I am not too terribly familiar with this template) I am not sure where & how to insert the commands for midi in all staves. If I can get that, then I will have *exactly *what I need. Thanks again for all the help.
-- In Christ, Michael D
% Version 2.1 % Last edit: March 16, 2006 % The music and words produced by this source code are believed % to be in the public domain in the United States. The source % code itself is covered by the Creative Commons Attribution- % NonCommercial license, % http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.5/ % Attribution: Geoff Horton % **** This is a template for standard 4-part hymns. It contains most % **** common options. Comment out the ones you don't need. \version "2.8.0" \include "english.ly" #(set-default-paper-size "letter") #(set-global-staff-size 24) #(ly:set-option (quote no-point-and-click)) title = "Octoëchos ~ Hymns of the Resurrection" subtitle = "Sticheron Template ~ Tone 1" composer = "Vespers/Matins" meter = "Tone 1" arranger = "" piece = "Kievan Chant" poet = "" translator = "" musiccopyright = "" textcopyright = "" world = { \key g \major \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \cadenzaOn } sop = \relative c'' { \world % Enter the music here. a2 b2 a\breve fs4 g fs e2 \bar "|" g\breve fs4 g2 a fs \bar "|" a\breve g2 fs \bar "|" g\breve fs2 g a g fs \bar"||" a\breve g2 fs e1 \bar"||" } alto = \relative c' { \world % Enter the music here. d2 g d\breve d4 g d e2 \bar "|" g\breve d4 g2 d d \bar "|" d\breve d2 d \bar "|" g\breve d2 d fs g d \bar"||" a\breve b2 b e1 \bar"||" } tenor = \relative c' { \world % Enter the music here. a2 b2 a\breve fs4 g fs e2 \bar "|" g\breve fs4 g2 a fs \bar "|" a\breve g2 fs \bar "|" g\breve fs2 g a g fs \bar"||" a\breve g2 fs e1 \bar"||" } bass = \relative c { \world % Enter the music here. d2 g d\breve d4 g d e2 \bar "|" g\breve d4 g2 d d \bar "|" d\breve d2 d \bar "|" g\breve d2 d fs g d \bar"||" a\breve b2 b e1 \bar"||" } verseOne = \lyricmode { \set stanza = "" } \markup { \column { \fill-line { \large \bold \title } % title \fill-line { \caps \piece % piece \caps \composer % composer } \fill-line { \meter % meter \arranger % arranger } \fill-line { " " \musiccopyright } } } \score { \context ChoirStaff << \context Staff = upper << \context Voice = sopranos { \voiceOne << \sop >> } \context Voice = altos { \voiceTwo << \alto >> } >> \context Staff = lower << \clef bass \context Voice = tenors { \voiceOne << \tenor >> } \context Voice = basses { \voiceTwo << \bass >> } >> >> \layout { \context { \Score % **** Turns off bar numbering \remove "Bar_number_engraver" } \context { } } } \markup { \normalsize { \fill-line { \hspace #3.0 \line { \column { } } \hspace #3.0 } } } \markup { \fill-line { " " \column { \small \caps \poet % poet \small \caps \translator % translator } } \fill-line { " " \small \textcopyright } } \paper { ragged-bottom = ##t top-margin = 0.25\in bottom-margin = 0.25\in } %{ Source info goes here. “ †(real quotation marks for easy cut-and-pasting) © for cut-and-pasting. Revision history: 3-23-06 Added licensing info, revised title layout system %}
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