----- Original Message -----
From: "Shane Brandes" <sh...@grayskies.net>
To: <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2011 12:23 AM
Subject: Ottava horizontal shift
Hello all,
This is another perplexing thing. I am trying to figure out how to
shift the ottava indications directly over their corresponding chords.
There does not seem to be an obvious solution. So here is the miminmal
example. The end result should have 8va loco. 8va. loco. read in a
single line.
version "2.13.0"
\once \override Staff.OttavaBracket #'dash-period = #0 \ottava #1
\barNumberCheck #190 \autoBeamOff
<c' f c'>8 \ottava #0 <c, f c'>8 ^"loco." \once \override
Staff.OttavaBracket #'dash-period = #0 \ottava #1 <c' f c'>8
\ottava #0 <c, f c'>8 ^"loco." }
I made a viable solution, but it does not resolve the issue of the 8va
not being centered over the note of origin.
\version "2.13.0"
\relative{ \override Staff.OttavaBracket #'dash-period = #1 \ottava
#1 | \barNumberCheck #190 \autoBeamOff \set
Score.proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 25)
<c' f c'>8 \ottava #0 \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset =
#'(-2.5 . -2.1) <c, f c'>8 ^"loco." \ottava #1 <c' f c'>8
\ottava #0 <c, f c'>8 ^"loco."
\ottava #1
p.s. misspelling shift is occasionally dangerous
I did look at your previous post (and spotted the mis-spelling) and
concluded that there simply wasn't space for lily to fit everything in. Why
would you want an ottava on one note, then lose it, then have it again, then
lose it again? Surely it's easier for the performer to simply have ledger
Phil Holmes
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