
From: lilypond-user-bounces+james.lowe=datacore....@gnu.org 
[lilypond-user-bounces+james.lowe=datacore....@gnu.org] on behalf of Jan 
Warchoł [lemniskata.bernoulli...@gmail.com]
Sent: 31 December 2010 15:33
To: jacquesv
Cc: lilypond-user@gnu.org
Subject: Re: ps to pdf conversion fails

2010/12/28 jacquesv <jw.verha...@gmail.com>:
> The problem is general.

Strange, noone replies...
Maybe it's an undiscovered fatal bug in LilyPond. Try making a bug
report (http://lilypond.org/bug-reports.html).
Unfortunately i can't help you anymore :(

Perhaps we need more information?

What does 'problem is general' mean. Every file you try if so can you provide 
one someone else can try independently?

As far as I can tell Phil answered with a relatively good idea - the PDF was 
opened for viewing.

We then seemed to digress slightly (myself included) with which PDF viewers 
didn't have problems, someone asked for a better message and then we get

'problem is general'.

So is there still a problem that *isn't* the PDF is open or not?

I simply don't know now.


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