"Robin Bannister" <r...@dataway.ch> writes:

> David Kastrup wrote: 
>>  the vertical extent should fit in the circles
>>  necessitated by the horizontal extent. 
> The 4 is big enough to ensure that all the vertical extents do fit,
> but (because of this) they all fit loosely. This looseness means that
> to decide where to position a circle vertically a further criterion is
> needed. 
> Behind the scenes the circle-stencil bases its circle on the centre of
> the vertical extent (see stencil.scm and issue 107). This of course
> varies e.g. between button strings "G" and "g". 
>>  Can anybody tell me what to do to keep the circles from wobbling?


> A line average is insufficient e.g. the bottom line has no "g". A
> total average seems inconvenient so I would do it with a fiddle
> factor. Replace 
>>  #:hcenter-in 4 
> with
>>  #:with-dimensions (cons -2 2) (cons 0 1.5) #:center-align 
> and adjust the 1.5 to taste. 

What I use currently is

#(define-markup-list-command (buttons layout props str) (string?)
  (map (lambda (str)
        (interpret-markup layout props (markup #:hcenter-in 10.8 #:circle 
#:pad-to-box '(0 . 0) '(-0.5 . 2) #:hcenter-in 4 str)))
   (string-split str #\-)))

and this works reasonably well.

Thanks, I did not expect an answer anymore.

All the best,

David Kastrup

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