On 30 December 2010 22:11, Shane Brandes <sh...@grayskies.net> wrote:
> Greetings fellow Lilypond users,
>  I have been using Lilypond for  a couple of years now and till now
> have been able to crack most problems with it by resorting to the
> snippet repository or the archives here. However i have encountered a
> snag that does not seem to have an obvious solution. The problem is
> this. i am trying to make cross staff chords in a piano score.
> Following the example provided in the user manual works just fine
> until another voice in the bass is added at which point the rendering
> ignores the trickery used to make the chords appear to cross the
> staff. So included is a minimal example (one measure out of 25 pages).
> So it seems pretty obvious it has something to do with the added voice
> causing the problem but what would that be that needs to also be
> overrided or altered to make it render correctly?


That's because you use a  << { ... } \\ { ... } >>  construct.
Voices within that construct are different from voices outside this
construct and then your  \autoBeamOff  does not apply to your "left UP"

1. You could replace your  \autoBeamOff  by
    \set Staff.autoBeaming = ##f : this would apply the "non automatic
   beaming" to the  Staff  context.


Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com>

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