Michael Dykes <thedoctor81...@gmail.com> writes:

> +-----------------------------------------------------------+
> |                                                           |
> |LinkedIn                                                   |
> |                                                           |
> |I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.|
> |                                                           |
> |- Michael                                                  |
> |                                                           |
> |+------------------------------------------------+         |
> ||Michael Dykes                                   |         |
> ||Student at Georgia College and State University |         |
> ||Macon, Georgia Area                             |         |
> |+------------------------------------------------+         |

What's up with the recent bout of "social networking" address
harvesters?  Are there real persons stupid enough to send "invitations"
to all their contacts including mailing lists?  If so, one really should
pull their internet licenses.

David Kastrup

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