Hello, I' m sorry I'll type that again...

From: lilypond-user-bounces+james.lowe=datacore....@gnu.org 
[lilypond-user-bounces+james.lowe=datacore....@gnu.org] on behalf of Sven 
Axelsson [sven.axels...@gmail.com]
Sent: 29 December 2010 15:17
To: lilypond-user@gnu.org
Subject: Grace notes with fixed spacing

Hi list.

Yes, I have rtfm, but I didn't find the answer, so here goes.

Is there some way to always render a group of notes (grace notes in
this case, but I guess this would be a general fix) with a fixed
spacing that is not affected by the layout process? In my case I need
it for typesetting Scottish Highland Bagpipe music, which has lots of
complex gracenotes and (generally) a requirement for a fixed number of
bars per line. This will often make the grace notes very uneven which
does not look so good. I would like to always render the grace note
groups with the same inter-note spacing and only have the layout
process add space between "normal" notes.

I've attached some examples of differences in spacing for the same note group.


Grace notes are handled differently from normal notes as the documentation says

However have you looked at this section


This tells you how to alter the spacing to suit your needs.

You say you need a fixed number of measures/bars per line, well you can easily 
put in \break where you want or you can create a second voice within the same 
system and break it at every xth Bar.

A very simple example

breaks = {

\repeat unfold 4 { s1 | s1 | s1 | s1 \break }


music = {

\repeat unfold 16 { a4 b c' d' }


\score {

\new Staff <<

\new Voice { \music }

\new Voice { \breaks }



This will break 16 bars of music at every 4th bar.

Change the values to suit your time signature/number of bars per line.

Depending on your specific examples you may or may not get exactly what you 
need without much more manual tweaking of each measure.


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