----- Original Message ----- From: "Tobias Braun" <tob...@braun-oberkochen.de>
To: <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 2:58 PM
Subject: Staff change in piano music â?? general approach?


I am trying to typeset a Renaissance piece consisting of four voices
in a way that makes it easier to play the piece on the piano, i.e. put
the music into a PianoStaff. I have separated the individual voices and
stored them in variables in order to be able to also make a version
with four staff lines, one for each voice.

Sorry for not providing a minimal example, but I find it really hard to
make my point on this issue without the real music.

Now for my problem: when putting the four voices into a PianoStaff,
the beginning of the third voice creates many ledger lines, making
the music hard to read. What I'd like to do is move the first six bars
of the third voice from the second staff to the first staff. But my
attempt to do so, with the help of the manual, has caused quite a
mess, as you can see when uncommenting the commented lines in the
example given below.

What would be the best general approach for moving part of the third
voice to the first staff? Apparently LilyPond doesn't want to combine the
voices, just printing one on top of the other instead.

Instead of using \stemUp and \stemDown, have a look at using voices to control the placement of notes. See


for information on this.

A general question, as I've never really used a mailing list before: I sent
this message via the post.gmane.org form. How do you normally handle
mailing lists? Am I supposed to subscribe to the list rather than use the
gmane form? Should I use a separate e-mail address for the list, in
order to keep these mails out of my main inbox? Sorry for my lack of
knowledge regarding mailing lists, but so far, I have only been using
regular web forums.

It's up to you. If you're going to use the list frequently, you'll probably find it easier to subscribe. You may want to use an email address that's disposable, since you'll probably get more spam because of the email address being more widely visible.

Phil Holmes

lilypond-user mailing list

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