Dear Francois,

you must have clicked "reply" button instead of "reply to all" and the
message was sent to me only. I forward it to Michael and to the list.
Yours Pondly,

2010/12/27 Music Teacher <>:
> Dear Michael,
> eliminating the hyphens to form normal words is quite normal. Dont
> worry for that, you will find it in many editions also before
> computer-engraving. I looked at theses Alleluias and they are totally
> ok.
> Greetings,
> Francois
> 2010/12/27, Jan Warchoł <>:
>> Hi,
>> i found something that may be helpful to you: there are some strange
>> gaps in the output, for example after "because He hath" in first
>> system, or inside "Alleluia"s (like in the third system). They became
>> obvious when there is no lyrics (try compiling the attached code).
>> I suppose they appear because barlines are still there (they are made
>> invisible, but still exist). It can be solved by "switching the time
>> signature off" - using cadenzas. You can add the cadenza indication in
>> "global" variable:
>> global = {
>>   \key f \major
>>   \cadenzaOn
>>   \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
>>   \override Staff.BarLine #'stencil = ##f
>> }
>> (unfortunately you'll have to manually add breaks by using \bar ""
>> \break in apprppriate places.)
>> Hope that helps,
>> Janek

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