On 26 December 2010 17:06, Iwillnotexist Idonotexist <obila...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hello Lilypond users,

Please reply to all.
I was the only LilyPond user that received your e-mail!  ;-D

> Thank you a lot for the tips on spacing. It was exactly what I was looking
> for.

Great.  :)

> As for the bar numbers, if I exclude bar numbers skipped because they are in
> a multi-measure rest, I need every barnumber except 12, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48,
> 64 and 73 below the barline (as opposed to the default, above and to the
> left), and the aforementioned exceptions need to be above the staff, in bold
> and boxed. I see in Bar_number_engraver a variable of type procedure called
> barNumberVisibility that decides on printing, and was wondering if this was
> the property to set or override, and if so, how.

This is fairly unconventional.

Here is how I would do that.
Please note that maybe other more talented users may have another
(better) solution.

To print by default _every_ bar numbers _below_ the bar line I would use

\layout {
  \context {
    barNumberVisibility = #all-bar-numbers-visible  % to print "1" also
    \override BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#f #t #t)  %
    \override BarNumber #'direction = #DOWN
    \override BarNumber #'self-alignment-X = #CENTER

Then, to print the exceptions above the staff, in bold and boxed I would
use a variable (let's call it "barNumberMark"):

barNumberMark = {
  \once \override Score.BarNumber #'direction = #UP
  \once \override Score.BarNumber #'stencil = #(make-stencil-boxer 0.1
0.25 ly:text-interface::print)
  \once \override Score.BarNumber #'font-series = #'bold

and I would call  \barNumberMark  each time I want to highlight the bar
number, i.e. measure 12, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 64 and 73.

You'll find in attachment my proposal applied to your file.


PS: Measure 62 and 72 I also changed your r1 into R1 (whole measure rest

Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com>
\version "2.13.40" % Version

\header{ % Header
  title = "Magma" % Title
  composer = \markup \bold "LARRY CLARK" % Composer
  instrument = "Trumpet" % Instrument
} % End Header

% Variables
Intro = { d1\f\< | d4\! e r2 | d2\< e4 f | g\! e r2 | d1\< | e4\! f r }
FourDescTwos = { a2 g | f e }
FourAscFours = { d4 e f a }
FourDescFours = { a4 g f e }
FourDescFoursUp = { a'4 g f e }
AscOnesTwo = { e4 f g2 }
DescOnesTwo = { g4 f e2 }
SwingDownOnesTwoCr = { d4 c d2\< }
SwingDownOnes = { r4 g e g }
SwingDownOnesfk = { r4\! g\f e g }
ArcD = { d4 e f d }
ArcDmf = { d4\mf e f d }
ArcDfk = { d4\!\f e f d }
ArcDffk = { d4\!\ff e f d }
ArcE = { e4 f g e }
ArcG = { g4 f e g }
AccA = { a4_> r g_> r }
AccAk = { a'4\!_> r g_> r }

barNumberMark = {
  \once \override Score.BarNumber #'direction = #UP
  \once \override Score.BarNumber #'stencil = #(make-stencil-boxer 0.1 0.25 ly:text-interface::print)
  \once \override Score.BarNumber #'font-series = #'bold

\score{ % Score
  \new Staff \with {
    instrumentName = \markup \bold "BPS42"  % Bullshit: Only to make BPS42 appear there
  } { % Staff
    % Settings
    \clef treble % Treble
    \numericTimeSignature % Force 4/4 instead of C
    \time 4/4 % Force 4/4
    \tempo "Aggressive" 4 = 152 % Tempo
    \compressFullBarRests % Allow compression, to get |--| full-measure rests
    \override MultiMeasureRest #'expand-limit = #1 % Force limit to less than 2
    % Music
    \bar ""
    \relative c' { % Score proper
      \repeat volta 2 {\Intro d4 } % part of 1st line
      \alternative { % Repeat
	{ \FourDescFoursUp | \SwingDownOnesTwoCr\break} % End 1st line
	{ a'2\! g } % Beginning 2nd line
      } % End Repeat 
      { f e~ | e1\< | \barNumberMark d4_>\ff\! r4 r2 | R1*3 | \barNumberMark \ArcDmf | \AscOnesTwo | \FourAscFours } \break % part of 2nd line
      { \DescOnesTwo | \ArcD | \ArcE | \FourDescFours | \SwingDownOnesTwoCr | \barNumberMark \ArcDfk | \AscOnesTwo } \break % 3rd line
      { \FourAscFours | \DescOnesTwo | \ArcD | \ArcE | \FourDescFours | \SwingDownOnesTwoCr | \barNumberMark R1*7\! } \break % 4th line
      { r2 g\mp\< | \barNumberMark \SwingDownOnesfk | \ArcG | r4 a f d | g4 f g2 | \SwingDownOnes | \ArcG } \break % 5th line
      { f4 e a e | d e d2\< | \barNumberMark \AccAk | a4_> g_> r2 | R1*2 | \AccA | f4_> e_> r2 | R1*2 } \break % 6th line
      { \AccA | a4_> g_> r4 g | \FourDescTwos | a1( | g) | R1 | r2 f4\mf\< e | \barNumberMark \ArcDffk } \break % 7th line
      { \AscOnesTwo | \FourAscFours | \DescOnesTwo | \ArcD | \ArcE | \FourDescTwos | R1 | \barNumberMark \Intro g4 } % 8th + beginning of 9th line
      { \AccA | f4_> r e_> r | d2_>\ff c4_> e_> d_> d_> r2 } % part of 9th and last line
    } % End of Music
  } % End of Staff
  \layout {
    \context {
      barNumberVisibility = #all-bar-numbers-visible  % to print "1" also
      \override BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#f #t #t)  % #end-of-line-invisible
      \override BarNumber #'direction = #DOWN
      \override BarNumber #'self-alignment-X = #CENTER
} % End of Score
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