On 26/12/10 06:55, Jürgen Ibelgaufts wrote:
Thank you for the response. I tried this and as you would expect, the notes
now were tied together, butI ran into other difficulties that I could not
find a solution for.
Adding a hidden note extends the measure by the note length and the \break
does not work anymore. I tried \cadenzaOn and \cadenzaOff, but still no line
break. Then I tried a temporary 5/4 timing but this made a couple of other
side effects that I could not get rid of.
I think it's better to create an extra voice with the notes and
everything else that you don't want to see set to transparent. I use
this quite frequently if the score has ties between voices, overlapping
text spanners, barres indicated with arpeggio brackets, etc.
hideVoice = \relative c' {
% voice with hidden notes
\override NoteColumn #'ignore-collision = ##t
\override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t
\override Stem #'transparent = ##t
\override Beam #'transparent = ##t
\override Dots #'transparent = ##t
\override Accidental #'transparent = ##t
\override NoteHead #'no-ledgers = ##t
If you are using the midi output for proofing, you'll also need to
create a separate score block for midi without this voice included.
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