Le 22/12/2010 16:08, Michael Ellis a écrit : > Carl, thanks for taking the time to figure it out! I really appreciate the > help. It's good to know there's a workaround. > > I'm undertaking a project to produce files containing all the Bach Chorales > with solfege syllables (movable Do, La-based minor) under each part. I'm > starting with the MusicXML files created by Margaret Greentree at > www.jsbchorales.net. It turns out that MusesScore can be run in batch modes > to produce LilyPond files. I was able to convert all 400 of them in about > 10 minutes of run time. >
Hi, Welcome to the club! Thanks to Frescobaldi which saves me a lot of time, I'm currently typesetting a bunch of Bach Chorales from a Breitkopf & Härtel's edition. At this time I use the BWV references of jsbchorales.net. but not the sources which are different from mine. It seems there are a lot of corrections but I don't know if it's allowed to use them with the aim of a copyleft *publishing*. (Probably under a Free Art license). More exactly whose sources are coming from? Are they all authentified? No copyright editor behind the hood? Has anyone more informations? My idea is to publish in a book different versions of a chorale one after the other. I join 2 examples. And later, I'd like to upload the voices as dictations in GNU Solfege. I'm very curious of your batch modes. More about this? May be it could be useful for a diff beetween my old reference and this new rather than checking PDFs. Regards. Phil.
\version "2.12.2" #(ly:set-option 'delete-intermediate-files #t) \paper { % between-system-padding = #0.1 % ragged-bottom = ##f % ragged-last-bottom = ##f } \header { title = "(16) Es woll' uns Gott genädig sein - BWV 311" } guidemidi = { %%%\repeat volta 2 { \tempo 4 = 78 %%%} % fin du repeat } upper = { \time 4/4 \key b \minor \clef treble \partial 4 \voiceOne << { % SOPRANO \set Voice.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand" \relative c'' { \repeat volta2 { cis4 | d4 cis b cis8 d | e4 fis e d | cis2\fermata r4 e | d4 cis d b | a4 fis8 g a4 g | fis2.\fermata } %fin du repeat a4 | g4 fis e fis | d4 e fis\fermata cis' | d4 cis b cis8 d | e4 d cis\fermata fis | e8 d cis d e4 b | a4 g! fis\fermata e | a4 b cis8 d e4 | d4 cis b\fermata d | cis4 b a8 g fis g | a4 g fis2 ~ | fis2.\fermata \bar "|." } % fin de relative } \context Voice="1" { \voiceTwo % ALTO \set Voice.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand" \relative c' { \repeat volta2 { fis4 | fis4 fis g a | g4 fis8 gis ais4 b | ais2 r4 cis | b8 a g4 a g8 fis | e4 d8 e fis4 e8 d | cis2. } %fin du repeat cis4 | d4 d cis cis | d8 cis b4 cis fis | fis8 gis ais4 b ais8 b | cis8 fis, fis4 fis a! | gis4 a e e | e8 d e cis d4 cis | cis8 dis e4 e8 fis g! fis | fis8 gis a4 gis fis | e8 fis g4 fis8 e d4 | e2. d4 ~ | d4 cis8 b cis4 \bar "|." } % fin de relative \oneVoice } >> } lower = { \time 4/4 \key b \minor \clef bass \partial 4 \voiceOne << { % TENOR \set Voice.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand" \relative c' { \repeat volta2 { ais4 | b4 cis8 d e4 a, | b8 cis d4 e fis | fis2 r4 fis | fis4 e d d | e4 a,8 b c4 b | ais2. } %fin du repeat a4 | b4 a a8 g fis4 | fis4 b ais ais | b4 e fis e8 d | cis4 b ais! b | b4 a b8 a gis4 | a4 a a a | a4 gis ais8 b cis4 ~ | cis8 b8 e4 e a,8 b | cis4 d d a | a4 b cis! b ~ | b4 ais8 gis ais4 \bar "|." } % fin de relative } \context Voice="1" { \voiceTwo % BASS \set Voice.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand" \relative c { \repeat volta2 { fis4 | b4 a! g fis | e4 d cis b | fis'2\fermata r4 ais | b4 e, fis g | cis,4 d dis e | fis2.\fermata } %fin du repeat fis4 | b,8 cis d4 a ais | b4 g fis\fermata fis' | b4 cis d cis8 b | ais4 b fis\fermata dis | e4 fis gis8 fis e d | cis8 b cis a d4\fermata a'8 gis | fis4 e8 d cis b ais4 | b4 cis8 dis e4\fermata fis8 gis | a4 b8 cis d4 d, | c4 b ais b | fis 2.\fermata \bar "|." } % fin de relative \oneVoice } >> } \score { \new PianoStaff << % \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = \markup{ \fontsize #6 { \score-sequence "."} \hspace #1.0 } \new Staff = "upper" \upper \new Staff = "lower" \lower >> \layout { % ragged-last = ##f } } % fin de score \score { \unfoldRepeats { << \guidemidi \upper \lower >> } \midi { \context { \Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 78 4) } } }
\version "2.12.2" #(ly:set-option 'delete-intermediate-files #t) \paper { % between-system-padding = #0.1 % ragged-bottom = ##f % ragged-last-bottom = ##f } \header { title = "(333) Es woll' uns Gott genädig sein - BWV 69.6" } guidemidi = { \tempo 4 = 78 } upper = { \time 4/4 \key d \major \clef treble \partial 4 \voiceOne << { % SOPRANO \set Voice.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand" \relative c'' { cis4 | \repeat volta 2 { d4 cis b cis8 d | e4 fis e d | cis2\fermata r4 e | d4 cis d b | a4 fis8 g a4 g | } %fin du repeat \alternative { { fis2.\fermata cis'4 | } { fis,2.\fermata a4 | } } g4 fis e fis | d4 e fis\fermata cis' | d4 cis8 b a4 b8 cis | d4. e8 cis4\fermata fis | e8 d cis d e4 b | a4 g fis\fermata e | a4 b cis8 d e4 | d4 cis b\fermata d | cis4 b a fis8 g | a2 g | fis2.\fermata \bar "|." } % fin de relative } \context Voice="1" { \voiceTwo % ALTO \set Voice.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand" \relative c' { fis4 | \repeat volta 2 { fis4 fis8 e d4 a' | g4 fis8 gis a4 b | e,2 r4 fis | fis4 e fis d8 e | fis2. e4 | } %fin du repeat \alternative { { d2. e4 | } { d2. fis4 | } } e4 d d8 cis d4 | d4 b8 cis d4 e | fis4 g fis fis | fis8 gis16 a gis4 a a | a4 a e8 fis g fis | e8 d e4 d cis | cis8 a' gis fis e fis g4 | fis8 b4 ais8 fis4 b ~ | b8 a ~ a g ~ g fis16 e d4 ~ | d8 e8 fis4 e2 | d2. \bar "|." } % fin de relative \oneVoice } >> } lower = { \time 4/4 \key d \major \clef bass \partial 4 \voiceOne << { % TENOR \set Voice.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand" \relative c' { ais4 | \repeat volta 2 { b4 ais b a8 b | cis4 d e8 fis gis4 | cis,2 r4 cis | b8 a g4 a b8 cis | d2 ~ d4 cis | } %fin du repeat \alternative { { a2. ais4 | } { a2. a4 | } } a4 a a a | a4 g a4 ais | b8 a g4 d'8 e fis4 | fis4 e e d | cis8 fis e d cis4 b | e,4 a a a | a4 e'8 d e d cis4 ~ | cis8 b g' fis16 e d4 e | e4 d e8 a, a4 | d2. cis4 | a2. \bar "|." } % fin de relative } \context Voice="1" { \voiceTwo % BASS \set Voice.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand" \relative c { fis4 | \repeat volta 2 { b,4 fis' g fis | e4 d cis b | a2\fermata r4 ais | b4 e d g | fis4 b a a, | } %fin du repeat \alternative { { d2.\fermata cis4 | } { d2.\fermata d4 ~ |} } d8 cis d4 a d8 e | fis4 e d cis | b4 e fis8 e d cis | b4 e a,\fermata d | a'4 a,8 b cis d e d | cis8 b cis a d4\fermata a'8 gis | fis4 e8 fis g!4 ais, | b8 d e fis b,4\fermata gis | a4 b cis d8 e | fis8 g a2 a,4 | d2.\fermata \bar "|." } % fin de relative \oneVoice } >> } \score { \new PianoStaff << % \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = \markup{ \fontsize #6 { \score-sequence "."} \hspace #1.0 } \new Staff = "upper" \upper \new Staff = "lower" \lower >> \layout { % ragged-last = ##f } } % fin de score \score { \unfoldRepeats { << \guidemidi \upper \lower >> } \midi { \context { \Staff \remove "Staff_performer" } \context { \Voice \consists "Staff_performer" } \context { \Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 78 4) } } }
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