Dear list members,

I'm having a problem with tuplets displaying correctly in certain situations but
not in others.

for example, the following works fine on its own:

\time 4/4

c32 c c16

\times 8/7 {c16 c c c c c32 c c16}

\times 7/6 {c c c c c c }

\times 5/4 { c16 c c c32 c  } 

\times 4/3 {c16 c32 c c c  } 

\times 4/3 {c16 c c }

 \times 5/4 { c c c32 c c16   } 

\times 6/5 {c16 c c32 c c c c16   } 

\times 7/6 { c16 c c32 c c16 c32  c c c } 

But it does not display correctly if there is a part above it with similarly
complicated tuplets.  For example if you take what's above and put it in the
left hand of a piano part, then take the exact same music, shift it over by one
measure and place it in the right hand, something goes wrong.  why?
I'm using lilypond version 2.13.7-1 on osx 10.6.5


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