OK - got a bit further!

Changing the path variable didn't do it.  Reviewing old emails again, I see 
that the PATH variable can be set in the shell OR in the Lyx -> Preferences -> 
Paths -> PATH Prefix

THEN, you need to do:

        Lyx -> Reconfigure

(This was a step I was missing for a while.)

NOW, the lilypond example loads up without complaint.

BUT, I get an Apple app crash panel with the following error:

        "gs cannot be opened because of a problem"

with some problem details looking like:

        Process: gs [6477] 
        Identifier: gs Version: ??? (???) 
        Code Type: X86 (Native) 
        Parent Process: dvipng [6476] 
        Date/Time: 2010-12-04 09:35:21.031 -0700 
        OS Version: Mac OS X 10.6.5 (10H574) 
        Report Version: 6 Anonymous 
        UUID: 219AD32B-CD4E-46DE-A36B-439CEBBA839D  
        Exception Type: EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP) 
        Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000 Crashed Thread: 

Which to me suggests the problem is occurring when generating an png file.

This type of crash will come up when I:

        View -> DVI
        View -> HTML
        View -> OpenDocument

However, the following work fine:

        View -> PDF

Now it sounds like there is a problem with lilypond's gs itself.

Would you agree?

(I just upgraded lilypond "OS X" to 2.13.41-1, and the same symptoms occur.)



On Dec 3, 2010, at 10:39 AM, Damian leGassick wrote:

> do you have something like this in your .bash_login?
> export 
> PATH=/Applications/_AudioMusicRelated/LilyPond.app/Contents/Resources/bin:$PATH
> Damian
> On 3 Dec 2010, at 17:22, Henry Flurry wrote:
>> Setup:
>> Lyx 2.0 Beta 1, downloaded from: 
>>      ftp://ftp.lyx.org/pub/lyx/devel/lyx-2.0/beta1/LyX-2.0.0beta1+qt4.dmg.sig
>> LilyPond OS X 2.13.39, downloaded from:
>> http://download.linuxaudio.org/lilypond/binaries/darwin-x86/lilypond-2.13.39-1.darwin-x86.tar.bz2
>> MacTeX:
>>      http://mirror.hmc.edu/ctan/systems/mac/mactex/MacTeX.mpkg.zip
>> MacTex install package was run normally.
>> LilyPond app was dragged into folder:
>>      /Applications/_AudioMusicRelated
>> Lyx app was dragged into folder:
>>      /Applications/_PrintRelated
>> I have MacTeXExtras, but I'm not sure if I need them nor where to put them, 
>> so they are stuffed away in another directory for later use.
>> LilyPond runs fine by itself, rendering the sample provided quite nicely.
>> Lyx runs fine on normal example files, rendering them fine in PDF and on the 
>> screen.
>> However, when I open the lilypond example included, I get the error:
>>      The module lilypond requires a package that is
>>      not available in your LaTeX installation. LaTeX output
>>      may not be possible.
>> Same error shows up when I go into Document->Settings.  Also, under the View 
>> menu, there is no PDF option for the lilyPond document.
>> Per earlier list suggestions, I ran Onyx 2.2 and verified permissions, etc. 
>> but I get the same message.
>> My guess is that either:
>> - LyX can't find where I put LilyPond, and I need to set some shell 
>> variables or run a script or move the LilyPond app
>> - I need a different installation of LilyPond that goes directly into the 
>> bowels of Unix.
>> What should I so?
>> Thanks!
>> Henry

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