On Dec 2, 2010, at 5:06 PM, LazyLew wrote:

> I have some simple questions - can't find it in the manuals so far, because
> there's so much there. 
> - is it easy to adapt fonts for chords? I like 'em bold, the way you often
> see in jazz sheets.
> - is it easy to control the amount of measures per line? I stick to 4 as
> rule of thumb as much as possible.
> - is the learning curve doable for a combination of vim and Lilypond? I'm
> new at both, and am 53, so don't have decades left to learn. 

First, I would suggest you to read the learning manual. Not with the goal of 
actually typesetting anything, just to actually understand how lilypond works. 
Second, I would suggest you use a more easily accessible tool for typesetting 
your scores than vim. Some are mentioned on the tutorial page of the 
lilypond.org website under easier editing.

i realize that I haven't answered your questions, but your questions may change 
once you've invested the bit of time it takes to actually read (rather than 
search or skim) the learning manual.
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