
I want to produce a special Coda which does not reside on a new line but is 
separated by a gap. You can find the original in the attached file 

I already tried for a long time but the result isn´t exactly what I want.
Below you can find a minimal example code which I used to create the attached 
file "codalilypond.jpg".

Maybe there is an easy command for creating such a coda gap, but I couldn´t 
find it.

There are still some problems:

1. The second clef is smaller than the first one.
2. The second time signature has a natural symbol in it which should not be 
3. The segno sign is for too high.
4. The first volta bracket doesn´t have an end line.

Can you please help me with that?




\version "2.12.3"

voltaI = \markup { \text \fontsize #2 \sans "1.+2." }
voltaII = \markup { \text \fontsize #2 \sans "letzt" }

\score {
    \new ChordNames \chordmode { es1. c2:sus4 r1 es f g }
    \new Staff
    \relative c'' {
        \key g \major
        \time 4/4
        \set Score.repeatCommands = #(list(list 'volta voltaI) 'end-repeat)
        g8 a g g~ g2~ | g r |
        \set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta #f))
        \bar "||" 
        \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'font-size = #-2
        \mark \markup { \musicglyph #"scripts.segno" }
        \key f \major
        \set Score.repeatCommands = #(list(list 'volta voltaII))
        \key g \major
        \clef treble
        \bar ""
        g8 a g g~ g2~ | g1~ | g^\fermata |
        \set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta #f))
        \bar "|."

<<attachment: codalilypond.jpg>>

<<attachment: examplecoda.jpg>>

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