Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail:
Von: Patrick Schmidt <>
Datum: 16. November 2010 14:24:21 MEZ
An: Gerard McConnell <>
Betreff: Re: tablature and svg
Hi Gerard,
Am 16.11.2010 um 11:18 schrieb Gerard McConnell:
I find that when I open a LilyPond produced guitar tablature saved
as SVG in Inkscape the fret numbers are covered with solid
retangles. I then have to go through the score removing each
rectangle in order to reveal the number underneath.
At first I thought you are using version 2.12.* but I get the same
problem with 2.13.*
Is there a search & replace edit I can do to the SVG file which
will remove all the rectangles in one pass?
This seems to be a bug in Inkscape. I don't get any rectangles when
a open an SVG-file in my browser (Safari).
Also, is it possible to remove all rhythmic indications from the
tablature (stems, tails, dots, etc.)?
In 2.13.* all rhythmic indications are left out by default. You
have to include them with \tabFullNotation.
Finally, is it possible to include lyrics underneath the tablature?
Yes, try something like this:
\score {
\new TabStaff = "Tablature" <<
\new TabVoice = "TabGuitarVoiceOne" {
\new TabVoice = "TabGuitarVoiceTwo" {
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "TabGuitarVoiceOne" {
Thanks for any help with these three questions,
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