Xavier, Paul

-----Original Message-----
From: lilypond-user-bounces+james.lowe=datacore....@gnu.org on behalf of Xavier 
On 14/11/2010, Paul Thompson <pat...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> I am having an error in using lilypond 2.13.38
> Here is my input file:
> \book {
>   \bookOutputName "Romanze"
>     a a a
> }
> \book {
>   \bookOutputName "Menuetto"
> \score{
>    a a a
> }
> }
> I am getting a persistent error:
> testa.ly:3:4: error: syntax error, unexpected NOTENAME_PITCH
> I am inexperienced, but have gone thru the manual.

Yes, I have noticed that *sometimes* LilyPond does not understand
"shortcuted" structures.
Just add explicit instanciation for Staff and it is OK.

\book {
  \bookOutputName "Romanze"
  \new Staff { a a a }
\book {
  \bookOutputName "Menuetto"
    \new Staff { a a a }



\book {
  \bookOutputName "Romanze"
  { a a a }
\book {
  \bookOutputName "Menuetto"
    { a a a }

will work.

The original example above used note names in a \book { } construct without the 
correct brackets - this is wrong and is covered in the manuals.

There is no need to explicitly put in a \score or \new Staff for your example 
to work. Keep it simple.

Unless I have misunderstood.


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