On 11/15/2010 6:32 PM, Mike Solomon wrote:
Do the rehearsal marks get pushed up for every setting of
self-alignment-X? If you can find an alignment that obviates the problem,
that seems like it might work.
Don't know about self-alignment-X. At least I didn't try anything with
Alternatively, the \textLengthOn command defined as:
textLengthOn = {
\override TextScript #'extra-spacing-width = #'(0 . 0)
\override TextScript #'extra-spacing-height = #'(-inf.0 . +inf.0)
with \textLengthOff as:
textLengthOff = {
\override TextScript #'extra-spacing-width = #'(+inf.0 . -inf.0)
\override TextScript #'extra-spacing-height = #'(0 . 0)
Perhaps playing with these two properties individually would do the trick?
Yeah, I plugged in some values and got pretty much what I was after, in
combination with outside-staff-priority for rehearsal marks set to 1.
On 11/15/10 5:36 AM, "David Bobroff"<bobr...@centrum.is> wrote:
I'm typesetting from an ugly hand-written part. It's a trombone part to
an orchestral piece and, therefor, consists largely of multi-measure
rests. I'm using the contruct:
s1*0^\markup{ whatever }
...to stretch the multi-measure rests to fit the length of the markup.
So far, so good. In some cases, however, rehearsal marks are being
"pushed" up out of the way of some of these markups. I've tried
sneaking the global font size down and increasing the number of
systems. This seems to have fixed some/much of the problem. I would
like a way to have them all at the default distance from the staff ( =
one staff space?). I'm not sure where to find my answer. Should I be
tweaking the length of individual multi-rests? Should I be adding
side-padding to the markups? Is this a job for outside-staff-priority?
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