On Tue, 09 Nov 2010 12:58:31 -0800, <lilypond-user-requ...@gnu.org> wrote:

The .ly file was made using aspects of the 'Adding an extra staff (2)'
snippet in the Snippet Repository, as well as other bits from the
learning and notation manuals.
My 'client' asked for the reduced size bracket at the beginning of the
single staff. (The client is always right) but wants the curly braces at
the beginning of the 'choir' part.

Hi Bill,
   I stole from a manual example (Notation Ref, search BreakAlignment) the 
method to re-arrange the clef and barline, and remembered how to move the brace.

\relative c''{
  \key g\major c d e fis
      \once\override Score.BreakAlignment #'break-align-orders =
      #(make-vector 3 '(span-bar staff-bar clef key-signature time-signature) )
    \new GrandStaff <<
      \new Staff{
        \once\override GrandStaff.SystemStartBrace #'X-offset = #0
        \key g\major \clef treble  c,1
      } \new Staff {
      \key g\major \clef bass c,1
} >> >>

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