On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 8:25 AM, Ralph Palmer <palmer.r.vio...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ... I wanted to send, as attachments, the .ly file
> (1.1 Kb), the example I was trying to duplicate (188 Kb .jpg), and an image
> of my LilyPond attempt (61.9 Kb .jpg). Everything I've tried bounces. Is
> there a file size limit? Or is there an acceptable file type? I can include
> the .ly file in body of the message as text, and I could save the graphics
> files as .jpg, .png,  or .gif.

For the -users list, there is a limit of 128KB on the body of a
message.  This is the total
body size, including any attachments and any size increases due to
encoding of binary as ASCII.

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