I am looking for some LilyPond users who happen to also have an iPhone (or
iPod Touch or iPad), to volunteer to be beta testers.

I have written a iPhone-LilyPond-input tool which will be released at the end 
the year. To avoid hopes getting too high: It does not check your LY code for
errors, nor does it play music, generate PDFs or MIDIs. However, it is a nice
little "scratchpad" in which to write LY code on the go, code which can
automatically be sent to your desktop, where it can be integrated into actual
LY files.

Since my musical focus is relatively narrow--I arrange acapella music--and
since I am a relative newcomer to LilyPond, I need help ensuring it is useful
to the larger community of LilyPond-users-who-also-happen-to-have-an-iPhone. All
twelve of you. I also want to eke out remaining bugs and documentation issues
before releasing it publicly.

If this is something that interests you, please contact me at


Thank you.

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