2010/11/3 Michael Dykes <thedoctor81...@gmail.com>

> Jan,
> Would this work since I have already written out my whole score? Also, if
> this works fine, do I just inset this at the appropriate place in my bass
> score?

Yes, it should do just fine. Take a look at the attached file, i've included
two changes in it. You should be able to do the rest by yourself.

> I am sorry, but am somewhat confused as to where this should go. Thanks for
> all your time & patience.

You are welcome :)
Good luck,

On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 7:22 PM, Jan Warchoł <
> lemniskata.bernoulli...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2010/11/1 Michael Dykes <thedoctor81...@gmail.com>
>>> On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 3:57 AM, Jan Warchoł <
>>> lemniskata.bernoulli...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> 2010/11/1 Michael Dykes <thedoctor81...@gmail.com>
>>>> I have a score for some of my Liturgical Music I am working on, & need
>>>>> the bass to have a C (2nd space-bass clef) quarter note, *and *two
>>>>> eighth note C's (the first 2nd space, and the second, middle C) to show to
>>>>> options for the bass which then continues over the next few measures with
>>>>> octave bass lines. How do I achieve this? I looked in the manuals, but so
>>>>> far I have not found any references to this situation. Thanks.
>>>> Does this
>>>> \version "2.13.37"
>>>>   {
>>>>     \clef bass
>>>>     e << { \voiceTwo c, } \\ { \voiceOne c,8 c } >> \oneVoice f4
>>>>   }
>>>> produce the output you desire or do you need something more specific?
>>>> cheers,
>>>> Janek
>>> Something more specific, please Jan. Thanks for responding. I think the
>>> problem I have is that I hav an entire bass line written out, * need (in the
>>> same clef) the C-C jump in order to facilitate octave bass lines for a bit
>>> since the bass goes somewhat low (G,A on the bottom of the bass clef), then
>>> it goes back to 'unison', then towards the very end, back to 'split
>>> octaves'. I will attach the file, & try to let you know where I need that
>>> jump and the 'split octaves'.
>>> First off, on the 2nd pg, 1st system: We bless Thee; I did the Bb-Bb jump
>>> (I am transposing from G to F); so where that jump is I also need a quarter
>>> Bb A G (down the octave).
>>> Then, in the 2nd system: And we pray (down 8va); & unto Thee (down 8va).
>>> Lastly, in the 3rd system: God (down 8va); and we (down 8va); Thee [the way
>>> I have it is how it is written, but now that I have transposed it, it goes
>>> down to G--but I don't want it to go below an A(for the top 'octave');
>>> although if I shift up the octave, I'll end up w/ probs w/ the Tenors--if
>>> you have any musical suggestions here???]; pray (down 8va); Thee __ (down
>>> 8va); and God (down 8va).
>>> Thanks, Jan, for your help thus far.
>> Unfortunately i don't understand what exactly do you want to achieve :(
>> Everything i can imagine is this:
>> \new Staff  <<
>> \clef bass
>> \new Voice = tenor { \voiceOne \relative a { b4 b(a) b2 g4 b2(c) b2 } }
>>  \new Voice = bass { \voiceTwo \relative d {
>> e4 e2 e4(d)
>> << { \voiceThree c8(c'8) } \\ { \voiceTwo c,4} >>
>>  \voiceTwo <b b'>2( <a a'>) g' }
>> }
>> \new Lyrics \lyricsto tenor \lyricmode { We praise Thee. We bless Thee. }
>> >>
>> Maybe someone else from the mailing list could help? Guys?
>> cheers,
>> Jan

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