Phil Holmes <mail <at>> writes:

> >> > For an orchestral part that I am typesetting, I want to put a markup 
> >> > (Poco rit.) over a silent measure, but the markup is wider than 
> >> > the measure. Is there a way to enlarge the measure so that it fits
> >> > to the markup width?
> >>
> >> This is explained in the Notation Reference section on multi-measure 
> >> rests. Basically, you need to attach your markup to a spacer rest:
> >>
> >> R2.*7 | s2.*0^\markup { \italic "Poco rit." } R2. |
> >
> > I had tried this, but it doesn't work.
> If you check the part of the Reference I pointed you to, it says you have to 
> use:
>  \textLengthOn
> Did you do this?

No, that's what I was missing (because I was reading the French version of that 
section in which it is not mentioned :-( )

Many thanks,


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