Hi Keith.  Thanks for your answer.

>>>>> "K" == Keith E OHara <k-ohara5...@oco.net> writes:

    K> I recommend that you continue as you are with Rest 'direction,
    K> and whenever Lilypond puts the rests in the wrong places, use
    K> pitched rests {f''\rest c'' f''\rest c'' }

Yes, i know about the explicit possibilities.  But the automatics
vs. notecolumns is in there somewhere - \voiceOne does place the rests
correctly in relation to even voices - only i cant get the stems
pointing down at the same time.

    K> To let LilyPond do default voicing, leave out \new Voice : << {r8
    K> c'' r c''} \\ {c4 c} >> I get very confused trying to figure out
    K> what happens when \new Voice and \\ are used together.

Sorry about that.

There must be something ive overseen.  Here are some attempts:

<<attachment: test_rest_dir.png>>

    {\stemUp \override Rest #'direction = #UP r8 c'' r c''}
    {\stemDown \override Rest #'direction = #DOWN r8 c'' r c''}
    {\stemUp \override Rest #'direction = #DOWN r8 c'' r c''}
    {\stemDown \override Rest #'direction = #UP r8 c'' r c''}
  {c4 c c c c c c c}

    {\override Stem #'direction = #UP r8 c'' r c''}
    {\override Stem #'direction = #DOWN r8 c'' r c''}
  {\voiceOne c4 c c c}

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