Hello Jan-Peter,

> I wish to fill the footer of a book containing several pieces with 
> Composer, Title *and* Piece. I do this regularly without the piece-info ...

I guess you did not change the composer header from the score level, did you?

> --snip--
> \bookpart {
>    \header {
>      title = "title"
>      composer = "composer"
>    }
>    \score {
>      \relative c' {
>        c d e f
>      }
>      \header {
>        piece = "first"
>      }
>    }
>    \score {
>      \relative c' {
>        c d e f
>      }
>      \header {
>        piece = "second"
>      }
>    }
> }
> --snip--
> In this snippet, the piece will be omitted in the footer.

It must be the problem of the scope.
It is not "omitted".
The footer doesn't "see" the piece header on the score level.

> I would like to reach the last one on the current page. Is it possible?

In this case you should put each piece in its own \bookpart.

> If I put all headers only in the score block, nothing is found in the 
> footer. If I put it in the bookpart-block, only one piece will run the 
> whole book[part].

That's the scope.

> Is there a \set-statement I could use? Or are the footer/header-blocks 
> typeset, when the score-info is not available?

Try to put the header block on each level, i.e. for \book[part] and \score.

Best regards,

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