On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 2:50 PM, Richie Gress <searchfgold67...@live.com> wrote:
> I'm having a small issue here. I'm writing a score for Mutopia which
> involves some beamed notes, which are in a \times 4/6 { ... } block,
> switching staves like this:
> \times 4/6 { \stemUp <c, ees aes c>[ <ees aes c ees> <aes c ees aes> <c ees
> aes c> <ees aes c ees>16.\f \change Staff="RH" \stemDown <aes c ees aes>32]
> }
> This works, except that the "6" is displayed not above the beam, but above
> the "RH" staff.

I'm not sure this doesn't qualify as a bug (bug squad: look at issue
279 and 696 for example).

Here's how to reproduce the behavior:

% The tupletNumber is printed too far away from the beam.
% A workaround exists: http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=646
% but do we really want to keep the attached default output?

\version "2.13.37"
\layout { ragged-right = ##f }
\new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff = "RH" {
  \new Staff = "LH"
  \relative c {
    \clef bass
    \times 2/3 {b8 b\change Staff=RH \stemDown <e' e'>}


<<attachment: bug.png>>

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