Hi Nils, > the attached lilypond has only whole notes in four voices, combined in two > staves (very typical and common as you might now). > The notes are misaligned verticaly, lilypond does know this and informs me of > this while making the pdf.
I had no time to diagnose your [very complicated] Lily code, but this seems to work fine here (i.e., with no misalignment): \version "2.13.35" voiceA = \relative c'' { c1 a c b c c c b } voiceB = \relative g' { g1 f g g g a g g } voiceC = \relative e' { e1 d e e e f e d } voiceD = \relative c { c1 d c e c f c g' } \score { << \new Staff << \voiceA \\ \voiceB >> \new Staff { \clef bass << \voiceC \\ \voiceD >> } >> } Hope this helps! Kieren. _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user