2010/10/25 Graham Percival <gra...@percival-music.ca>

> On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 03:57:26PM +0100, James wrote:
> > Yes I thought about that after I sent the links. I have never tried
> > to create a rhythmic staff myself. It does make you wonder though,
> > the point of making the note heads fall above or below the singe
> > line of this staff.
> Wood blocks?  These often come in pairs -- a high-pitched block
> and a (relatively) low-pitched block.  You don't want to notate
> exact pitches (they're not tuned!), but you _do_ want to notate
> which block to use.

If I unterstand your quotes the right way:
The pitch is for indicating which parts of the rhythm are on beat an which
are off beat (low note is on beat, high one is off beat). This is a
information for that kind of music (balkan).

the solution from xavier is working perfectly! (had to add {} in
the definition)

thanks & best regards
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