
On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 1:10 AM, Patrick Schmidt <> wrote:

> 1) Use the command line, cd to the folder where your file is and run
> convert-ly -e
> to update the syntax. 2.10.5 is very old. (e.g. "printallheaders" was
> substituted in the meantime by "print-all-headers")
> 2) add
> \context {
>     \Voice
>     \remove "New_fingering_engraver"
>   }
> to the \layout {} block of your file. This will reduce the distance between
> the fret diagrams and the staff group as it removes the transparent string
> number indications.
> 3) the easiest way to add chord names to this file is probably to use
> \chords in the score-block e.g.:
> \score {
>   <<
>    \chords { a1:7.5+ d1:m g1:7 }
>    \TrackAStaffGroup
>   >>
>    \header {
>       title = ""
>       composer = ""
>       instrument = "Track 1"
>    }
> }

That worked fine!  Thank you.  Now I have something to start with...

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