
below is a piece of a well-known chorus :) Unfortunately, high bass notes
with accents and forte mark, combined with tenor lyrics, add up to
incredible between-staff-space, and in effect unacceptable system height...
I've tried doing some things described
but i don't understand them well enough and it didn't work like i wanted :(
What is the most elegant solution for moving the dynamic marks in such a way
that LilyPond could calculate vertical system spacing with knowledge that
dynamics are moved?
In short, how to achieve what is in attachment with minimal fuss?

Sorry for such a basic question, but i'm tired by spending over an hour
trying to understand all these overrides & co...

\version "2.12.3"

\score { <<
\new Voice = alto {
\clef treble
 \relative c' {
d2 d4 -> ^\f d4-> |
d4-> r8 a'8 b8  a8  r8 a8 |
\new Lyrics = altolyrics \lyricsto alto \lyricmode { ver, King of Kings, for
e -- ver and }
 \new Voice = tenor {
\clef "treble_8"
 \relative c' {
a2 d4 -> ^\f d4-> | d1-> ~ |
\new Lyrics = tenorlyrics \lyricsto tenor \lyricmode { ver, King of Kings, }
 \new Voice = bass {
\clef bass
 \relative f {
fis4 d4 d'4-> \tweak #'extra-offset #'( 2 . 4) ^\f d4-> |
 d4-> r8 fis,8 g8  d8  r8 fis8 |
 \new Lyrics = basslyrics \lyricsto bass \lyricmode { e -- ver, King of
Kings, for e -- ver and }

best regards,
Jan Warchol

<<attachment: moving dynamics.png>>

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