A question on usage...
I have been having difficulty in coming to grips with the commands to move musical elements, markups, etc from their default positions. The accompanying example shows what I've been trying to do and the way I managed it. Advice is sought and comments on whether what I've done is 'the' way to do it, and if there are better ways. The usage of \vspace and \hspace within a \markup command don't seem to be similar in their action when one ( I ) would assume that since \hspce moves the markup horizontally, \vspace would move it vertically.

See also my notes in the ly file

A question on program development...
Would it be possible to make 'moving' commands consistent in their syntax and place of application so that e.g. one would write
\markup { \move#H:V "Text" }
(where H and V are the horizontal and vertical distances from the default position in some reasonable unit: mm, allowing the use of decimals - say 5.7:6.3 for example)
to move the word "Text"
- and make the command work for all objects both in and outside the staff except, of course, notes.
 - and without the need for users to write clever Scheme things
(I'm 'not' a programmer!) :)

Thank you for your help with this.
% Created on Tue Jan 12 13:57:52 NZDT 2010
\version "2.13.10"
%#(set-default-paper-size "a4" )
%#(set-global-staff-size 16)

\header {
title = " " 
tagline = " "
\paper {

global =
\key f \minor
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
 unison = 
 \relative c'
\once \override TextScript #'outside-staff-padding = #1.5 % This shifts the "ALL" vertically
r2^\markup  {  \hspace #-25  \bold  \large "All" } % This shifts "All" horizontally
% Using \vspace doesn't shift "All" at all but makes its bounding box bigger
% The usage of \hspace and \vspace seem to be inconsistent / non-intuitive.
r4 c8\noBeam c
des4 ees f4. g8

 unisonWords = \lyricmode {
One  two three four five six
\score {
\new Staff
 \new Voice = "sopranos" {   << \global  \unison >> }
 \new Lyrics \lyricsto sopranos \unisonWords
 \layout { ragged-right = ##f
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