On 9/29/10 9:42 AM, "MING TSANG" <tsan...@rogers.com> wrote:

> Carl,
> I took your code and added multi midi output for voice parts.  Everything
> seems working perfectly.  However I applied the template to my .ly code I
> cannot produce desire result.

I'm sorry to be so slow in getting back to you.  It's been a busy week.

I ran your code, and got an error message that indicated the parser was
looking for more information (which was slightly different from your error).

I looked in the Notation Reference, section 3.1.5, and it shows \layout
blocks at top-level, rather than inside a \score block.  So I moved your
\layout block out of the \score block and into the top-level.  Then the file
ran perfectly -- .pdf output and 3 .midi outputs.



P.S. If it were my code, I'd take \timeKey out of the Voice contexts, and
put it into the Staff contexts, since that's where the time signature is
determined.  I've done it in the code below.

\version "2.13.34"
\header {
  title = "主阿我要更愛你:More Love To Thee"
#(define Ez_numbers_engraver
    (cons 'acknowledgers
          (cons 'note-head-interface
                (lambda (engraver grob source-engraver)
                  (let* ((context (ly:translator-context engraver))
                          (tonic-pitch (ly:context-property context 'tonic))
                          (tonic-name (ly:pitch-notename tonic-pitch))
                          (ly:event-property (event-cause grob) 'pitch))
                          (grob-name (ly:pitch-notename grob-pitch))
                          (delta (modulo (- grob-name tonic-name) 7))
                          (make-vector 7 (number->string (1+ delta)))))
                    (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'note-names
#(set-global-staff-size 18)
EzNum = {
        \override Staff.StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #2.25
        \override Staff.StaffSymbol #'line-thickness = #1.25
        \override Staff.NoteHead #'font-size = #+2.75
        \override Staff.Clef #'font-size = #+2.25
        \override Staff.TimeSignature #'font-size = #+2.25
        \override Staff.Accidental #'font-size = #+2.25
        \override Voice.NoteHead #'font-size = #0

\paper  {
                %#(set-global-staff-size (* 5.8 mm))
  indent = #(* mm 0)
  line-width = #(* mm 180)
  interscoreline = 2.\mm
  between-system-space = 36\mm
  ragged-bottom = ##t


\include "english.ly"
TimeKey = { \time 4/4  \key bf  \major  }
SopMusic  = \relative c' {
%    \easyHeadsOn
        d'4. d8 ef8 d8 c8 bf8 |                            %bar 17
        bf2 a2 |                                %bar 18
        \label #'lastPage
AltoMusic  = \relative c' {
%    \easyHeadsOn
    \override NoteHead #'color = #blue
    f4. f8 g8 f8 ef8 d8 |                            %bar 17
    f2 ef2 |                                %bar 18
TenorMusic = \relative c  {
%    \easyHeadsOn
    bf'4. bf8 bf bf bf bf | bf2 c2 |                    %bar 17-18
BassMusic  = \relative c  {
%    \easyHeadsOn
    \override NoteHead #'color = #red
    bf4. bf8 bf bf bf bf | d2 f2 |                        %bar 17-18

PianoRHand = \relative c' {
        <f bf d>4.^( <f bf d>8 <g bf ef>8 <f bf d>8 <ef c'>8 <d bf'>8 |
%bar 17
        <bf f' bf>2 <ef f a>2) |                        %bar 18
PianoLHand = \relative c {
    <bf, bf'>8 d'8_\markup{con Ped} f bf f bf f bf |            %bar 17
    <bf,, d'>8 f'' bf f <ef, f'> a' c a |                    %bar 18

\layout {
  \context {
    \consists \Ez_numbers_engraver

\score {
  \new GrandStaff = "GrandStaff_score" <<
    \new ChoirStaff <<
      \new Staff <<
        \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#t #t #t)
        \clef "treble"
        \new Voice = "Sop"  { \EzNum \voiceOne \SopMusic  }
        \new Voice = "Alto" { \EzNum \voiceTwo \AltoMusic }
      \new Staff <<
        \clef "bass"
        \new Voice = "Tenor" { \EzNum \voiceOne \TenorMusic }
        \new Voice = "Bass"  { \EzNum \voiceTwo \BassMusic  }
    \new PianoStaff <<
      \new Staff = "RH" { \TimeKey  \PianoRHand  }
      \new Staff = "LH" { \TimeKey \clef bass \PianoLHand }

\score {
    \midi { }
\score {
    \midi { }
\score {
    \midi { }
\score {
    \midi { }

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