On 10/3/10 9:57 AM, "Stefan Vollmar" <voll...@nf.mpg.de> wrote:

> Dear all,
> if I am not mistaken, in order to have my scores in A5 format (I actually then
> print that on A4 paper for a specific recital with poor light conditions) this
> works fine:
> \paper{
>   #(set-paper-size "a5")
>   page-count = 2
> }
> And the reference manual gives a wealth of other properties (e.g.
> "paper-width" or "evenHeaderMarkup") which can be set like "page-count". It
> strikes me as odd that, apparently, I should not write
> \paper{
>   paper-size = "a5"
>   page-count = 2
> }
> and if I do, Lilypond does not complain about "paper-size" and uses the
> default ("a4") instead.

paper-size is not a property.  #(set-paper-size "a5") is a procedure that
changes multiple settings.  See scm/paper.scm for more information.

While it may seem odd, it is well-documented.

It would seem desirable to have a warning message when a non-existent
property is set in a \paper{} block.



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