Dear Phil,
thanks for Your explanations.
I do have now another problem.
What can I do, when I want to have feathered beams across barlines, like

\version "2.12.3"
upper = {
 \override Beam #'grow-direction = #RIGHT

 \featherDurations #(ly:make-moment 1 2)
 { \time 7/16 des''16 -. [\p\< es''16 -. e''16 -. f''16 -. ges''16 -. as''16
-. c'''16 -> -. \f \time 3/16 cis''' d''' dis'''] }
\score {
   \new Staff \upper

2010/9/30 Phil Holmes <>

>  Top posting because of HTML original.
> Stefan,
> featherDurations changes the tempo of the notes.  Thus the notes at the
> start of the bar have a longer duration than those at the end, and I presume
> LilyPond is having a problem applying this to the longer rests.  This may
> not give the appearance you want, but shows that this will work with short
> duration rests.  (I've replaced all your eighth notes with sixteenth, to
> show the beam feathering).
> \version "2.12.3"
> global = { \time 7/16 }
> upper = { \global
>  \override Beam #'grow-direction = #RIGHT
>  \featherDurations #(ly:make-moment 1 2)
>  { des''16 -. [\p\< es''16 -. e''16 -. f''16 -. ges''16 -. as''16 -. c'''16
> -> -. \f] }
> }
> lower = { \global
>    \override Beam #'grow-direction = #RIGHT
>    \featherDurations #(ly:make-moment 1 2)
>  { r16 r r r r r    <fis'' c'''>16 -> -. \sfz }
> }
> \score {
>   << \new Staff \upper
>     \new Staff \lower >>
> }
> --
> Phil Holmes
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Stefan Thomas <>
> *To:* lilypond-user <>
> *Sent:* Thursday, September 30, 2010 9:42 AM
> *Subject:* synchronization of feathered beams
> Dear community,
> I have a problem with the synchronisation in the below quoted snippet.
> I expect to have the notes on the end of the bar on the same vertical
> height.
> How can I achieve it?
> Thanks for help,
> Stefan
> \version "2.12.3"
> global = { \time 7/8 }
> upper = { \global
>    \featherDurations #(ly:make-moment 1 2)
>  { des''8 -. [\p\< es''8 -. e''8 -. f''8 -. ges''8 -. as''8 -. c'''8 -> -.
> \f] }
> }
> lower = { \global
>    \featherDurations #(ly:make-moment 1 2)
>  { r2 r4   <fis'' c'''>8 -> -. \sfz }
> }
> \score {
>   << \new Staff \upper
>     \new Staff \lower >>
> }
>  ------------------------------
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