Carl Sorensen <> writes:

> This is a good thought as a temporary workaround.  However, it won't work
> as-is, because fretboard-table is a hash table.  We'd need to define a
> hash-table copy function:
> (define (hash-table-copy my-table)
>   (let ((new-hash-table (make-hash-table 100)))
>     (hash-for-each (lambda (key value)
>                      (hash-set! new-hash-table key value))
>                    my-table)
>      new-hash-table))
      (lambda (key value tab)
        (hash-set! tab key value))
      (make-hash-table 101)

Does not require a closure.  And the size argument is recommended to be
prime.  Which 100 is not exactly.

> cShape and aShape would then be defined as void music functions, which is
> not shown in David's code above.

> This is still only a temporary workaround, I think, because we should avoid
> the hard-coded fretboard-table.

Things would be better if we had either
a) fret-board-table be (optionally?) a list of hashtables
b) allow an entry 'parent in fret-board-table that will cause the
   specified table to be searched (recursively) when the original table
   did not deliver an appropriate key/value pair.

David Kastrup

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