I try to write a guitar score. In some measures I found small parts of
polyphony. I tried to add temporarily a new voice, but I failed. The
example below shows the intention. The second (commented) line gives
nearly the same result and Lilypond doesn't show any error. But the g8
should be sound longer. That's why I want to tie it to a g4.
Can I add this temporarily polyphony on demand or must it start at the
first measure filled with lots of silent rests?
Any suggestion is welcome.
\relative c'' {
c'8 b16 a~ a g16 g8~ << { g4 } \\ { fis8 e } >>
% c'8 b16 a~ a g16 g8 fis8 e
\relative c' {
a16 e'8. e e,16~e b''8 e,,16
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