Hi all,
I'm having difficulties to indicate in tablature where to place a
finger to get harmonics other than the first harmonic (see Ex. 1).
The first harmonic is normally produced in the 12th fret and sounds
in the same octave as if the string were stopped in the 12th fret
(one octave above open string). In the case of other harmonics the
pitch or the octave of a fretted note isn't necessarily the same as
the pitch of the resulting harmonic. Of course LilyPond calculates
the fret number of a given pitch name so it's no surprise that in Ex.
2–4 the fret numbers in tablature differ from those indicated in the
text markups. I would like to engrave the sounding pitch of a
harmonic in standard notation and the place where to put one's
fingers in tablature. Is there a way to adjust fret numbers in Ex. 2–
4? Or is it possible in Ex. 5–6 to get rid off the note head for the
stopped position in standard notation and typeset the fret number(s)
in single angle brackets in tablature?
Thanks for any hint!
\version "2.13.31" % on Mac OS X
\paper{ raggedright = ##t }
exampleOne = \relative c'' {
<g\3\harmonic>1_\markup {\fontsize #-3 "harm. 12"}
\markup { Ex. 1: harmonic pitch: g' (touching 12th fret on 3rd string) }
\score {
\new Staff {
\clef "treble_8"
\new TabStaff {
\markup { Ex. 2: harmonic pitch: b (touching 7th fret on 6th string) }
exampleTwo = \relative c' {
<b\6\harmonic>1_\markup {\fontsize #-3 "harm. 7"}
\score {
\new Staff {
\clef "treble_8"
\new TabStaff {
\markup { Ex. 3: harmonic pitch: e' (touching 5th fret on 6th string) }
exampleThree = \relative c' {
<e\6\harmonic>1_\markup {\fontsize #-3 "harm. 5"}
\score {
\new Staff {
\clef "treble_8"
\new TabStaff {
\markup { Ex. 4: harmonic pitch: h' (touching 3rd (3⅓) fret on 6th
string) }
exampleFour = \relative c'' {
<b\6\harmonic>1_\markup {\fontsize #-3 "harm. 3"}
\score {
\new Staff {
\clef "treble_8"
\new TabStaff {
\markup { Ex. 5: harmonic pitch: h' (touching 3rd fret on 6th string) }
exampleFive = \relative c {
<g\6 b''\harmonic>1_\markup {\fontsize #-3 {"harm. 3rd fret "
\circle 6 }}
\score {
\new Staff {
\clef "treble_8"
\new TabStaff {
\markup { Ex. 6: harmonic pitch: h' (touching 3rd fret on 6th string) }
exampleSix = \relative c {
%<\tweak #'transparent ##t g\6 b''\harmonic>1_\markup {\fontsize
#-3 {"harm. 3rd fret " \circle 6 }}
<\parenthesize g\6 b''\harmonic>1_\markup {\fontsize #-3 {"harm.
3rd fret " \circle 6 }}
\score {
\new Staff {
\clef "treble_8"
\new TabStaff {
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