Op dinsdag 07 september 2010 schreef Erik:

> When I use lilypond to create a MIDI file, it seems to create a 2-channel
> file.  Am I understanding this correctly? Can I get a 1-channel file?
> Any help would be greatly appreciate,
I think, by default LilyPond creates a MIDI channel for each staff.

If you move the Staff_performer to the Voice context, it creates a MIDI 
channel for every voice.

So maybe, if you move the Staff_performer to an encompassing group, it puts 
all the MIDI events in one channel?

Or alternatively, you could create a separate \score { } block for the MIDI 
output and put all voices in one \new Staff << >> construct?

Did not test this, though.

best regards,
Wilbert Berendsen

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