Sorry...this time w/ code that works!

\version "2.13.30"

lb = \relative c''' {
  \override Staff . StaffSymbol #'transparent = ##t
  \clef "treble^8"
  \override Voice . Stem #'stencil = ##f
  \override Voice . Beam #'stencil = ##f
  s16 \once \override Voice . NoteHead #'font-size = #2 \bendAfter #2
a16\p\< \once \override Voice . NoteHead #'font-size = #-2 \parenthesize
d16\f g,16\mp\<
  a16-. a16-. \once \override Voice . NoteHead #'font-size = #2 \bendAfter
#4 b16\f \once \override Voice . NoteHead #'font-size = #-2 \parenthesize
  \once \override Voice . NoteHead #'font-size = #2 a4:32^\markup { \italic
"jete"} \glissando
  \once \override Voice . NoteHead #'font-size = #-2 \parenthesize c,16 s8.
  \revert Voice . Stem #'stencil
  \revert Voice . Beam #'stencil
  \revert Staff . StaffSymbol #'transparent

\score { \new Staff { \lb } }
On 8/28/10 8:58 PM, "Mike Solomon" <> wrote:

> Hey all,
>     I'm working on a piece with a lot of birdsong & I'm using notation that
> looks more or less like the snippet below.  Before I work out my own hacks,
> I was wondering if any of you had quick fixes for the following two things:
> 1)  Is there a way to suppress the lines through / above / below over and
> under the staff notes?  In this example, you'll see that the high A has a
> line through it, and I'd like to avoid that if at all possible.
> 2)  The tremolo is typeset where it would show up were there a stem - is
> there an easy way to center it under the note?
> Thanks!
> ~Mike
> \version "2.13.30"
> lb = \relative c''' {
>   \override Staff . StaffSymbol #'transparent = ##t
>   \clef "treble^8"
>   \override Voice . Stem #'stencil = ##f
>   \override Voice . Beam #'stencil = ##f
>   s16 \once \override Voice . NoteHead #'font-size = #2 \bendAfter #2
> a16\p\< \
>   a16-. a16-. \once \override Voice . NoteHead #'font-size = #2 \bendAfter
> #4 b
>   \once \override Voice . NoteHead #'font-size = #2 a4:32^\markup { \italic
> "je
>   \once \override Voice . NoteHead #'font-size = #-2 \parenthesize c,16 s8.
>   \revert Voice . Stem #'stencil
>   \revert Voice . Beam #'stencil
>   \revert Staff . StaffSymbol #'transparent
> }
> \score { \new Staff { \lb } }
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