On Mon, 23 Aug 2010, 胡海鹏 - Hu Haipeng wrote:

Hello, Another reason: I just finished my first orchestral piece, and would like to use vst to hear the real sound. But Lilypond's midi output is not suitable for Sibelius and Garritan, and I have to make many specialized tracks which wasted my expensive time. I want to make a demo of my music and share it with others.  

What do you mean with "not suitable" ?
A Lilypond to MusicXML conversion tool probably will not solve the limited MIDI capacities of Lilypond. I think this should be solved inside Lilypond first. Todo: 1. input syntax - some extra commands could be useful to add MIDI information in Lilypond input files. For example to add control changes, bank + program changes, pitchbends, sysex commands. 2. midi output - more lilypond stuff could be translated to MIDI, for example dynamics, staccato, portato, accents.

I don't see this happen today or tomorrow, but it is something to think about in the future. Even programs like abc (using abcMIDI) and mup, which are in general less powerful languages than lilypond, have better MIDI support than lilypond.
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