Thanks Again James! But I'm sorry to tell you that it doesn't work :( 'cause having a previous note attached to the glissando, even if the note is hidden, make changes to the time in the bar.
If timing is the only problem you can use something akin to this fucntion I've been using to make things at least a little more readable in the main score: preGliss = #( define-music-function (parser location glissMusic startPoint units) (ly:music? number? number?) #{ \once \override NoteHead #'X-extent = #'(1 . 1) \hideNotes $glissMusic \unHideNotes \set Timing.measurePosition = #(ly:make-moment $startPoint $units) #} ) Used e.g. like this: r8 \preGliss { g'4 \glissando } #1 #8 d'4--\mf c8 bes f \triplet { \stemDown f,8 ees' f, \stemNeutral } \bar "||" I have not found a way to avoid having the "\glissando" in the music. What this does is to start the glissando at the g indicated in the music (I used to have g32, but in 2.12.3 that doesn't show a gliss, and for g8 the gliss is too short) and ends it at the following d. The #1 #8 means that the music after the gliss should start 1/8 into the bar. If someone knows a way to improve on this function I'd be happy. Rgds, Mats _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list